..The question is, will it happen again..?

The Journey have come to an end..
Battlestar galactica have come to the conclusion..
I was afraid at first, that the final episode couldn't lived up to the series.
Afraid that the ending was so horrible it would ruin my memory to the series.
have u ever gat the feeling that knewing sumthing so great goin to end & u just dun want to end it?
I was wondering that if I dunt watch the final episode, then for me the series wont end forever..
and im seriously considering it the whole day..
But I brace myself, knowing that final episode could break or make the series a history. Long be spoken after it ended, compared to other space/drama/politics series.
But soon, people would ask "does this series is better than BSG" or "it's good, but not as good as BSG"
Anyway, I dun want to spoil the ending here. I recommended the show to everyone who willing to think, join and indulge a 4 season High budget space series that mirrored humanity and technology. it will make u think, it will frakkin' stab u in the guts a few times.. it will touch sensitive issues about human, religion, god and survival.
Men and women of Galactica, this 4 years has been a great journey. and I salute u..
So Say We All...


Anonymous said...

ui, cter ape nie??tak paham larh...

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